CRDF Global Fosters the Development of Ukraine’s Cyberbiosecurity Agenda

On 29 July 2021 CRDF Global convened the 6th session of the National Cybersecurity Cluster in collaboration with National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) with support from the U.S. Department of State’s Office of the Coordinator of U.S. Assistance to Europe and Eurasia, as a part of strategic ongoing initiatives to strengthen coordination among governmental, private and international organizations implementing cybersecurity programs in Ukraine.
The session`s topic was ”Cyberbiosecurity. Convergence of biosafety, biosecurity and cybersecurity. Current challenges and implications for Ukraine.” In total, 99 participants from 34 organizations attended the online event, including the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC), National Coordination Center for Cybersecurity at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NCCC), Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Security Services of Ukraine Academy, Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics NAS of Ukraine, State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection, other government agencies, expert and research community, scientific and research centers, international organizations and institutions, private companies. International experts were able to deliver presentations on the best security practices and strategies for a variety of environments of a swiftly developing bioeconomy. Among the main topics were implementation of integrated biorisk management, mitigation of insider threats in the lab sector, genetic information security, rising value of global health data across the bioeconomy.
“Cyberbiosecurity is a new cross cutting security challenge for global health, biosafety and biosecurity. We are ready to support the Ukraine’s government efforts to comprehensively address new emerging threats through a number of CRDF Global programs currently unfolded and conceived”, said Vladlen Basystyi, Senior Project Lead in CRDF Global’s cybersecurity ddivision in Ukraine.